
The Internet is for Porn. And Dating.

(614): We all know the best way to start a relationship is greeting while at least one of you are intoxicated, dual facebook stalking, and a two week long game of 20 questions via texts to 'really' get to know each other. In that order.
(1-614): I wouldn't have it any other way. It's like a fairy tale!

This was taken from textsfromlastnight.com (one of my most favorite websites in the world) and it got me thinking. In my short (only 2 or 3 years) dating history, this is pretty much the only way that myself, and most of my friends, date people nowadays. Even if you meet in a bar, one of the first things you ask is if they have a FaceBook account. So then you can drunkenly log on with your cell phone and friend them immediately. Because, really, you need to accumulate friends through drunken situations.

Case in point: started talking to a guy on a really lame dating site (plentyoffish.com...don't recommend it. Creepy crazies are on that site...including me...*shudders*)...he IMs me, and then about 5 minutes into the conversation, we're FB buddies. He even added me to his "top friends" (should have been sign #1 that he was completely INSANE). I come from the early FB users, where only college kids could log on with their college email addresses and your mom couldn't look (or log on, for that matter) at your pictures from the party the night before where you were doing shots off of your best friends chest. That being said, there is ALOT of information in my FB that I've added over the years, giving my friends a full idea of my interests, my jobs, my daily thoughts and ideas...and now...this random kid can see it, too. And I can see everything about him.

In less than 10 minutes, you can learn all you need to know, things that you would normally talk about the first couple of dates. So when you finally meet, what else is there to talk about? "I saw that pic of you doing a kegstand in an ice storm...that must have been interesting..." I mean, seriously? The good thing about it is, I know pick and choose who I want to date. If all of their pictures are of them drinking, touching people inappropriately, or passed out...well, I know to pass over them. And if their interests are listed as: partying, drinking, smoking weed, injecting heroin into the few veins I have left...well, I know for sure that he and I aren't going to be compatible.

What I'm really trying to say is that FaceBook may be the downfall of the mid-20s dating scene. Everyone I know has one, I can see everything they do on the site (Thank you, FB newsfeed), and I know when they're emo, thanks to the trusty Status Update. It takes the fun out of stalking your prey the old-fashioned way: sneaking around their job, figuring out where they live and driving by their home at every opportunity, and showing up at their hangouts as if it were a coincidence that you were in the same place at the same time. FB, you're throwing off my groove.


  1. Facebook is like a black hole... you just get sucked into it.

  2. I miss the good ol' days of Facebook. My mom sent me a friend request and I had to decline because I have so much stuff I do not need her seeing.

  3. lol this post was hilarious but true. I've come around to locking everything from my mom's allowed access on my profile, because, well, she stalked me into adding her.
    at least with facebook you can save time and avoid mental anguish and move on to the next prospect.
